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Civil Property Law

Unlocking the SARFAESI Legal Maze: Navigating SLPs in the Supreme Court for Expedited Resolution

In the labyrinth of financial matters, the SARFAESI Act (Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act) is a potent tool for banks and financial institutions. However, when the Supreme Court grants leave for an SLP (Special Leave Petition) related to SARFAESI, it initiates a unique legal journey. This blog demystifies the process, explores relevant petition types and sections, outlines the rights of petitioners, and prescribes strategies for expediting resolution.

Understanding SARFAESI and SLPs:

1. SARFAESI Act (2002):

– Empowers banks to enforce security interests without court intervention.

– Allows for the sale of secured assets to recover outstanding debts.

2. Special Leave Petition (SLP):

– A remedy to appeal to the Supreme Court against any order or judgment.

– Governed by Article 136 of the Constitution.

When SLP is Granted: Transition to Civil Appeal:

1. Transition Process:

– SLP granted, it transforms into a Civil Appeal.

– Registry assigns a Civil Appeal number.

2. Filing of Documents:

– Submit memorandum of appeal and documents.

– Follow the Rules of the Supreme Court for filing.

3. Service on Respondent:

– Serve notice to the opposite party/respondent.

– Acknowledgment of service filed with the Court.

Types of Petitions, Sections, and Rights:

1. Writ Petition under Article 32:

– Challenge constitutional validity of SARFAESI provisions.

– Invoke Article 32 for violation of fundamental rights.

2. Civil Appeal (Section 18 SARFAESI):

– Section 18:

– Deals with the right to appeal.

– Rights:

– Right to be heard before the appeal is disposed of.

Strategies for Expedited Resolution:

1. Arguing Constitutional Validity:

– Strategy:

– Challenge SARFAESI provisions on constitutional grounds.

– Argue for a speedy hearing due to fundamental rights implications.

2. Emphasizing Financial Implications:

– Strategy:

– Highlight financial losses during the pendency.

– Demonstrate urgency for a quick resolution.

3. Seeking Interim Relief:

– Strategy:

– File interim applications for stay or specific reliefs.

– Present strong grounds for immediate relief.

4. Utilizing Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR):

– Strategy:

– Explore mediation or arbitration.

– Propose ADR methods for a swifter resolution.

5. Engaging Expert Legal Counsel:

– Strategy:

– Appoint experienced lawyers well-versed in SARFAESI matters.

– Ensure the legal team is equipped to handle expedited proceedings.

6. Technology Adoption:

– Strategy:

– Embrace e-filing and virtual hearings.

– Advocate for tech-driven processes for efficiency.


Navigating SARFAESI-related SLPs in the Supreme Court demands a strategic confluence of constitutional challenges, financial intricacies, and legal prowess. By understanding the transition to a Civil Appeal, leveraging the right types of petitions, and adopting a strategic approach, petitioners can expedite the resolution of SARFAESI matters. This blog serves as a compass for those traversing the SARFAESI legal landscape. SARFAESI LegalStrategy .

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